Timberland Investment Resources
New Business Our first ESG fund under management
We are pleased to inform you that our group has been selected as exclusive provider of Central Administration, Domiciliation
and AIFM services for Timberland’s 3rd Timber Fund (the “Fund’), to be launched in October of this year. As such we will be
provide the following services:
EFCS: Fund accounting, Transfer Agency, Domiciliation & Social Life services, GP accounting;
EAM: Risk & Valuation, Investment Management Oversight as well as Compliance & RR/RC services.
The Custodian Bank function will be assured by Hauck AufhäuserLampe Luxembourg.
Legal Advisors are Hogan Lovells Luxembourg, auditors E&Y Luxembourg.
The Fund targets a minimum of 250 mioUSD of AUM with a targeted lifespan of 10 years. This Fund will be article 9 SFDR
compliant, making it the first ESG Fund which our group will serve.